Expert Tips For Lighting Your Living Room

comfortable design concept together suited for our living styles. However, we’ve noticed that when it comes to interior design, lighting is often an afterthought. When in reality lighting is something that should definitely be factored into your design layout and décor as soon as possible.
Expert Garden Tips

Spring is here! While the weather might still be a bit questionable these days, it’s the perfect opportunity to start thinking about your spring gardening! Whether you’re looking for lush flower beds bursting with perennials or hoping to grow a vegetable and herb garden for the first time, this is the perfect opportunity to start planning!
Featured Recipe: French Onion Soup

Looking for a delicious French Onion soup recipe? Look no further! This time of year, cooking can be more of a hassle than a joy. It’s after Christmas, the weather isn’t all the great and motivation might be lacking in general. We turn to soup! After a cold wintery day, there’s something about a warm cup of soup that just warms you up and lifts your mood completely. Comfort food!
Featured Recipe: Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

It’s no secret, we love everything about this time of year! The leaves are changing colour, the nights are cool making it perfect for sitting around a warm campfire, and its soup season. There’s something about the seasonal vegetables of fall that just make you want to relax and unwind.
Featured Recipe: Crunchy Cucumber Dill Salad

This recipe is super simple, and the ingredients are easy to find, which is exactly what I love when I cook. The dressing uses a plain Greek yogurt base, which bumps up the calcium content of this salad – something that your bones will love!